Photograph of Carla Keirns

Carla Keirns

Carla Keirns lives in Kansas City, Missouri with her husband and 6-year-old son. Their baby boy was 14 weeks old when they learned he was blind due to albinism. They found their local NFB chapter and were assured that "your kids are our kids" and that the blind adults in their community would help Carla and Michael support their son to reach his potential. Carla is a physician and scholar of medical ethics and health policy and teaches at the University of Kansas Medical Center. She has become a fierce advocate for her son and other children who are blind and disabled, and serves on the Missouri Department of Education's Blind Task Force. Carla also works with the NFB of Missouri state chapter, and the Missouri Parents of Blind Children on advocacy and programming for children across the state. She and her son are learning Braille together, though like many blind children, he is quickly overtaking his mother and often helps her with Braille contractions.